Sunday, November 11, 2007

Some Halloween Picy-Poo's for Everyone!

So for Halloween we took Corban trick or treating up and down our street! He had a blast and kept sneeking pieces of candy between doors! He was trying his hardest to say trick or treat to everyone, it was the cutest! Alright Tausha these are the most recent pics! I will try to take more pics, but we don't get out much so I will do my best!
Woody (Elijah) and his best friend Buzz Lightyear (Corban)
Clifford and Corban!
Me and my little man!
Corban loves saying "cheese" for the camera!


Gates & Tausha said...

I was BUZZ light year TOO this year! JK...he is ADORABLE...and seriously has grown up SO much since the last time I saw you guys...filled in or something...I don't know but different...and as always, SOOOo cute...see I TOLD you it's EASY!! If I can, YOU can. :) Inspiring quote...I know. haha...tell Corby I'll take him on in bowling...although his form looks better. :) and I TOTALLY dig your video...i want MORE MORE! (but i am TOTALLy satisfied now that you're a blog-nerd too) Happy day! -T