Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So I thought I would give you all an update! I am definately slackin on the updating! Sorry! The computer that I use to upload all of our pictures is dead and wont recharge so we have to get it fixed! Thats why I haven't been able to put new pics up! We did have a blast on our little week long trip to AZ! I loved every minute of the heat! The baby shower was so much fun! Thanks to all who came! We definately got some great stuff and will be much needed! I've had some requests for a picture of my belly too! So very soon hopefully I will get that up with some other pics from the shower and also of Corban! Clifford's sister took his pics while we were there and they are dang cute! I am so excited because the weather is perfect! Yesterday was 75 and today is 65 degrees! Love it! 


Brenna said...

YAY! I was waiting for a new post!

Katie Huff said...

Yay H! I love new posts from you! I wish I saw you more while you were in town, but it made my month when you stopped by my office with some heavenly Horchata!!!!
And I'm still working on those baby shower pics! I can't find my mom's camera attachment ANYWHERE!

Love you girl! Call me soon!

PS- Umm... Belly pics...? WHAT belly??? You're still so tiny and you're only like a month behind me and I'm as big as a house!!! So unfair! lol

Abbey said...

It was so good to see you, if only for a few moments :) You look beautimous, and teeny still, cute little belly!

Mama J said...

I wish i could have seen you! I bet you look so stinkin HOT!!!

Oregon... My grammy gave us money to go visit her! So we are going and gonna go to the beach and see my dad, brother and uncle! I am so excitted, its our first vacation!!! YAY!!! How is your fetus?

Gates & Tausha said...

yay more more...want to see MORE! great to see ya for a sec when you were here! can't wait to see pics of corby too....and LUCKY you with the weatha!

Stefany Pew said...

On the whole subject of me being so busy.......TRUST ME - - I still have those days where I have nothing to do and Kylee and I get bored. I'm usually doing something every night but during the days, I would say that at least 2 out of the 5 weekdays, I'm bored! So it may sound like I'm really busy all the time, but really I'm not. I often feel lazy and unproductive on those days since I'm so busy the other days. I hate it! I've become one of those persons that HAS to be busy or else I drive myself crazy. I wish we lived close by each other so we could hang out on those "boring" days!!!

Aubrey said...

Every time I come to your blog you DON'T have new posts.....what's up with that?! HAHAHA. My parents are coming up for the 4th of July too, but I don't know what days. I'll finalize with them and let you know for sure.

Jami said...

Okay, I just read that you had your shower and now I feel like COMPLETE CRAP!!! I TOTALLY forgot! :0/ I'm so sorry, Heather! I DO love you, I do!