Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So I went to the doctor today and I am dilated to a 3 and he said I am thinning too! I can't remember what percent he said but I did hear I am making progress and he also stripped my membrane to hopefully help but we'll see! I hope it works! Have any of you had success with stripping your membrane? He said it works for 30% of women so I am crossing my fingers and praying that I go into labor soon! 


Aubrey said...

Deacon was born 24 hours after I had that procedure. So good luck and get packin'!

The Cash Family said...

I would have to say that it takes me a couple of time to get violated, i mean stripped! jk it makes me dialate more and that is less work you have to do in the hospital!! yeah for babies!! have lots of sex and go walking!! :)

by the way, i keep trying to catch you on skype, do you ever sign out? it says your there but you never answer!

Mama J said...

I heard it works if your body is ready, sounds like yours is! Start walking, do the naughty I also heard drinking herbal raspberry tea helps too! and hopefully that lil. girl will be out in no time! Good luck! YAY!!! Make sure you put pictures up asap!

The Robinson's said...

I had my membranes stripped starting at 37 wks and every week until I had to be induced for pre-ecclampsia. So- it didn't do anything for me- but maybe for you! Good luck! Please post pics as soon as you can. Love ya!

Justina Selim said...

It worked for me with Aiden! I hope she comes soon!

Katie Huff said...

Yay!!!! I already knew this when I talked to you the other day, but YAY!!! I can't wait to see little Brighton and have her and Porter grow up together. (As soon as you get your Tushes back down to AZ, of course!)
I didn't get stripped, sorry girl! I got indused before I had to resort to that! But my sis-in-law, Tarah, did (a few times) and I think it took her 3 times at 3 seperate apts before she went into labor. But just think! Every little contraction you're having now is moving your cervix along to the big 10 and getting Brighton here!
Sorry I didn't call you today! I think I'm getting sick. I haven't been a sick mommy yet... NOT looking forward to it. I'll holla at you tomorrow.


Jami said...

Okay, this post was from a couple of days ago so I'm anxious to know if it worked! Report back, Heather! Is she here yet? :0)

TexasTwinsTwice said...

oh how exciting!!! Perhaps you've had the little lady by now--can't wait for pictures!

Brenna said...

WELCOME TO THE WORLLD BRIGHTON! YaY! I am so excited she is finally here!!! Yay for stripping membranes! I can't wait to see all of the beautiful pics! Congrats!